Before and the Latter

Erika Paras
2 min readFeb 16, 2021


Things have changed so quick that seconds seem to feel like years.

Trends swipe like waves of the shortest and fastest wavelengths, one after another. One’s worth, most of the time depends on it, how society will rate you.

Advocacy, instead of being uplifting and empowering, they tend to spark nonsense remarks. I know how bad those were, I have read such regarding mental health issues, body positivity and even preferences in clothing, let’s also not forget the rape and victim blaming culture.

Clowns before were those in children’s party, wearing bright face paint and multicolored over-all, doing magic tricks and making kids believe it’s pure. Now, you need not to pay to witness such, just search on news agencies on Facebook and 'haha' is dominant over other reactions.

Observe that the news captions and headlines refer to the government, either actions or statement. And just like in birthday parties, comment section is filled with those who knows the trick and the one’s who is tricked.

Seconds turn into years, this is how it feels like to dwell with pages of reading and lectures yet the retained information can be spoken into a split second.

No one knew what face was really shown to them — screens are the new skin.

The change is too much to bear and the most unnoticeable change is the truth that we are getting used to it.

