The Irony of Criticism: Pinoys and Ego

Erika Paras
3 min readFeb 5, 2021

Being a Filipino, there are traits that are commendable, hospitality, respectfulness, the expression of the importance of values yet, there also come toxic ones.

Opinions, being as powerful as it is, could definitely get you in trouble. Practice of freedom of expression is not quite that good when in comes to political and socio-cultural talks.

How do opinion turn Pinoys as toxic as they could be?

Criticism is a form of opinion. Of course, one would give their remark about certain things that they find off or contradictory to their prior knowledge. It is how they see on their perspective.

Whenever you work on something and finish it, you would definitely ask for feedback right? there comes constructive criticism. Oftentimes, it is taken professionally by those who wish for improvement and seeks to work on what they are lacking of. Then there comes this type of person, who intentionally cannot accept the fact that constructive criticism should be taken professionally.

In another form, calling out is also a form of criticism which falls to opinion. Why do we call out people? For there could be a mistake or perhaps what thay are doing is really off.

There breeds the ground for the toxicity. Some people tend to overlook criticism as derogatory ideas and it crushes their ego out. They then backfire to those remarks leading to what we call smart shaming and ad hominem attacks.

One of the areas in social media which is prone to them are the comment sections — mainly of news agencies. As we all know, so called DDS or Diehard Duterte Supporter and Dilawan, along with those whose concern was not politically engaged clashes their ideologies through their opinions here, adding the fact that this current administration receives flacks and criticism, it is really a competition of views and takes.

Whenever one corrects statements and claims that was verbatim, some would be triggered and starts to throw remarks like “ano ba ambag mo?,” “Ikaw nalang kaya mag ganyan” ‘edi ikaw na matalino’ ‘feeling woke’ and soon of they’ll start to attack using ad hominem and hastily generalize people. Toxicity of finest leaves for your morning sip of tea.

Even in school is not safe for criticism. Constructive criticism or giving off remarks triggers other students, tagging them as ‘pabida’ and ’dami mong alam’ — smart shaming acts resulting to some students the feeling of shame and others tend to pull themselves out from the many since they feel uneasy and unsafe with those.

These acts of repulse to constructive criticism makes those knowledgeable of that certain issue, activity or anything just shut up for they get tired of explaining to narrow-minded persons. Who will enjoy taking turns in opinion if you are attacked personally, right?

Criticism is a hard to swallow pill for the others for ego is stuck in their throats. That’s the irony of criticism here in the Philippines.

